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Fall 2018 Lobo Gold Rally Is A Great Success.

Friday, November 7th was Sierra’s forty-first Lobo Gold Rally. The Lobo Gold rally is a rally designed to honor the academic achievements of Sierra students. There are three Lobo Levels at Sierra High: Lobo Gold, Lobo Silver, and Lobo Blue. To achieve the highest recognition of Lobo Gold, students must receive a G.P.A. of 4.0 or higher. To be considered Lobo Silver, students must have a G.P.A. of 3.25 or higher. And, Lobo Silver students must have a G.P.A. of 2.25 or higher.

According to Mr. Clark there were 110 students who achieved Lobo Gold status, 329 who achieved Lobo Silver, and 322 students who achieved Lobo Blue. All in all that is 761 students. This equates to over fifty percent of the entire Sierra student population.

The rally was put together by a number of students and teachers who spent a great deal of time coordinating donations, prizes, scripts, raffles and much more. In his remarks, Mr. Clark cited Sierra’s strong culture or student excellence and spoke with pride about the successes of Sierra Students.

This year’s fall rally included a lot of teacher participation from “The History Office” parody of the office, to Mr. Talcott performing the National Anthem, to a group of female teachers dubbed “Wrong Direction” preforming a dance mash-up to recent hits.

As is typical, the rally ran smoothly and Freshman got their first taste of what Lobo Gold is all about. Since Lobo Gold (as well as all other Lobo levels) is determined by the prior terms G.P.A.’s, no Freshman were recognized. However, Freshman will have the opportunity to be recognized and receive the benefit of the various Lobo levels this spring.

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